Monday, August 27, 2007

Life's all about change...

some ppl say lifes all about change.. well in this case it's all real wierd

Thursday, August 16, 2007


This is a short story(detective,investigation) dedicated to our honorable zaeemu AKA learsion etc etc...blah blah...

It isn't what they say about you, it's what they whisper. ~Errol Flynn

Reasonings and the problems faced by our dear beloved zaeeemu

Once a upon a time like all the times we keep hearing about whenever we are reading a new story I heard from someone(I'm not gonna name any one) that our beloved zaeemu had been held at TIFI airport for 20 hours...although the reason for it is not yet known...although assumptions are being made about the he was maybe trying to smuggle in a koika(a bird which is gonna be extinct soon...RIP), or maybe that he was a spy(are we so out of members to send as spies,that the zaeemu had to go...hmmm) and so on and so forth..these are a few reasons for his going to wherever that he was going...(now where was he going,some mau-thingy).although i don't know that these may be the real reason why he was being held up....(hey he is already there,you know the place where he is supposed to be going)anyways just thought that i should let all of you members,cox you have the right to know the truth(or at least something nearer to it)...

Moral of this Whatever it is(i just cant make up my mind)

"Don't always believe what you hear,but in this case you could or maybe better you should"

The image is for koika(RIP,if the rumors are true and would be missed dearly)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

September Election.

There will be a election held on september to elect a new riyaasee comission member of Maldives Coffee And Pigeons Party.Anyone one who wants to be the member would have to send a mail to mail should contain why that person should  be appointed as the new member and what's there for me in it if he's elected.
There should be NO CAMPAIGNING, and anyone caught doing it would be disqualified and prosecuted. You have a week to submit your names as candidates.So let the road to election begin and welcome to a NEW DICTATORSHIP.MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

the honorable authoritarian dictator zaeemu leaves maldives!

The honorable authoritarian dictator zaeemu of the Maldives Coffee and Pigeons Party have left Maldives 2 days back, says Giantey the de facto leader.Un confirmed reports says that ex-zaeemu Learsion have already reached his destination; Mauritius.I have tried to confirm this report but i haven't succeeded in that yet.A taxi driver have reported, quoting from an MDP journalist; Ismaalube , that learsion left Maldives to find a way to fix the crack at Male’s northeastern reef.However most MCPW members believe that there is something fishy going on around here , there is some kinda conspiracy!

[Ex-Zaeemu learsion experimenting a water sample at an MCPW meeting-]
photo:moyameehaa's image library

2 weeks before he left Male' he have confirmed that Giantey could not and would not become the next zaeemu, but he would rather be promoted from Naibu-Zaeemu (trainee) to Naibu-Zaeemu.But Giantey have denied this today and said he is the current ruler.He have further said that one seat from the riyaasee commission is now empty and an election would be held soon. "Even the grassroots can compete,but there should not be any campaigning.If any candidate is found campaigning he/she would be disqualified."Giantey told me ,today on msn messenger.He said this is done only for the security of the candidates.He refused to give any further information regarding the elections or his policies, but assured that he would (as requested by learsion) follow the legacy left before him by learsion, and continue the honorable, tyrannic way of ruling.