Monday, June 18, 2007

The first kinboo song!

here is the first kinboo song.u have to sing it to the famous madhaha tune...'vadaigen hindhun fahuzamaanuge rasoolaa'...and dont take this as blasphemy ..bcoz this tune is not holy!(dumb people..i have to explain everything in each and every post) u can see the original shifna version on gnatoll forum.. here is a link to download it.

and here is the we need some one to sing it(any volunteers?). just listen to shifna's song at gnatoll and try to imitate.SO, here is the song!

ވަޑައިގެން ހިނދުން ކުޑަ ކިނބޫސޮރު މިޤައުމަށް،
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dicky saeedh joins free kimboo movement!

Dicky Saeed have joined the free kimboo group on face book!The guy who caught the kimboo..himself have joined the free kimboo movement. But there are many opposing this within MCPW and non -MCPW members of the free kimboo movement.One of the non-MCPW members is Ahmed Azhan Shameem who wants to free the kimboo more than anyone...but wants to eat it after he is not happy with saeedh joining the movement.And MCPW riyaasee commission member Learsion is also having problems with this.he says that he cant trust what do you say?we trust dicky and let him help us in this?or we feed him to kimboo?

i believe that if dicky is willing to cooperate and help us free kimboo... we must all forgive Dicky! we must not forget our is not 'hating dicky' it is 'freeing kimboo'.... maybe some other guys (you know who) out there can learn a lesson from us in this!

any wayz here are the first few posts made my dicky on the face book group.

Croc Dundee wrote
at 9:11pm on June 16th, 2007
Hi! All this is Saeed (Gahaa) also known among other names as Dicky, Kimboo, DP etc. Just to fill u in. The croc was caught on 14th February (Valentines Day) 1998. I was DP of Majeediyya then. I caught it primarily to save the kids who were swimming in the sea in close proximity to the kimboo. i also wish for it to be released/rehabilitated.

Croc Dundee wrote
at 9:14pm on June 16th, 2007
The NSS initially wanted it killed because it was a dangerous animal. But i assured Brig. Gen Adam Zahir that I could bring it safe to Male'. i did. and this is where that has led us eh?

Croc Dundee wrote
at 9:16pm on June 16th, 2007
I believe there are rumours of Kimboo being taken to Sri Lanka or S'pore/M'sia. Unconfirmed as yet. But rest assured I will sign any petition calling for the release of the croc.

Croc Dundee wrote
at 9:45pm on June 16th, 2007
Yup Ashraf it is I working in Colombo at the British School in Colombo as DP. No problems about comments and photos. Am quite open and i believe sincere and honest. Nice to "graffittise"!

Croc Dundee wrote
at 9:23am
No need to apologise... we all make mistakes .... my mother made one .. ME!! I think Azhan is enjoying his new liberation. And talking about liberation , methinks the croc should be freed ASAP. Am going to Male' on holiday in the first week of July. Will talk to key ppl to see what we could do to release the fellow.

Options available seem to be: a zoo in another country (with other crocs to rehabilitate); or send somewhwere for climatising and adjusting and then set it free as in Free Willy (as suggested by members of the forum earlier)! See ya later alligator(s)!

Croc Dundee wrote
at 8:41pm
Yo! If the song's good and makes sense by all means go ahead. I think u guys got a good cause going. And u got a good following too. Keep at it. All the beast (oops!) BEST!!

Croc Dundee wrote
at 3:32pm
Cheers guys! This gives us all spirit I guess. Mebbe I'll see you guys at the gathering in KK-bageecha. Pls watch this space.

Croc Dundee wrote
at 10:24pm
FYI the croc was exactly 4feet nine inches. But what strength in the jaws. When it snaps shut it resounds!! All I wanted was to bring it back home live without killing it. This I did... and then the police took it away. If you look in the Aafathis edition of 15th Feb 1998 you will find pictures. I shall try TVM to see if they have a copy of the video of me grabbing its snout and tying it before handing over to NSS (which they showed on the news). But this would take a while ... crocodile!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Pesticides could be the reason behind pigeon deaths at republican square - Special Investigation Committee

The recent incident of dead MCPW members (pigeons) found at Male', republican square (jumhooree maidhaan) is being investigated by a special committee formed by the MCPW riyaasee commission.One of the members of this committee (Learsion) have said that pesticides might be the cause behind the death of hundreds of pigeons at the republican square.

"It seems they have sprayed pesticide for mosquito control in to the water fountain at this place.and it is believed that the pigeons drank from this fountain,and had died of poison.Tour guides who often visit that area says 200 to 500 pigeons must have died in this incident"said Mr.Learsion.

But he further said that this is no time to come to a conclusion regarding this incident because investigation is still going on.But i guess if this is what the final report of the committee says...there would be problems for the government.Some MCPW members have already gone on coffee strikes regarding this matter to pressure the special committee to speed up their investigation and come out with the final report as soon as possible.

[A little girl feeding the pigeons at republican square:These pigeons have been a source of delectation for the locals and a good tourist attraction.]/photo:Niuma.

It have to be noted that the maldivian government have never shown any hostility against pigeons except a very few times. The famous black friday was indeed a 'very black' Friday for the pigeon populations living in the republican square area.though their homes are located in Ahumadhee Baazaaru roofs and gutters they spend most of their time at the republican square.

Special operation have been conducted by the Maldivian military forces (N.S.S) in the past for killing bats,crows and rats which are considered as pests. but pigeons have never been guilty of any crime which would fall under the Maldives Pest Control Act .There were rumors about government going to kill thousands of pigeons in 2005 and 2006 fearing the Bird flu , but it did not happen like that.So far the only animal related problem between Maldivian Government and the MCPW is the crock in kudakudhinge bageechaa children's park, but now it might might go to another level with the republican square incident.Is it really a government massacre? i guess it is too soon to tell for sure.have to wait for the final report.