Thursday, November 01, 2007

The Balaabodu Days Coming Back Soon or Is It???

Members of MCPW and its fellow supports.Please be informed that the balaabodu days are to be back again for us this month. What am I talking about? Am talking about the highly enticipated return of the BALAABODU NAUFAL. Thats right, he's going to be back in Male'. Well he may not be that balaabodu this time from the way he has been acting up recently. We'll just have to wait and see if old habits die hard or not. So everyone be ready for some BALAABODUSM this November. Only in MCPW.


Elk said...

Is it the BALAABODUSM that i think it is???..hhhmmmmm

Anonymous said...

mi balaabodu duvas thah miahnaney varah nurahkaatheri duvas varehga? alhudadu men ga zameen rashuga nethi dhifaaee aai minsterves rashuga neh duvasvareh ga

Denekasrof said...

dhifaaee ey...kon dhifaaee ehtha...kekek

Anonymous said...

balaabodu naufal? Who is he?

Anonymous said...

ey balaabodizum ge bahpa

eNDuSeR said...

Balaabodu aa laafa halan kerene tha? Firihen kulhin thah ! dhen defaidheyterey in dandeega hifaafa haluvaalaa! LOL